
Untitled Womens Services​
Completed: ongoing
Type: design
Scope: interior re-design of existing premises.

Inclusive Design Workshop
Completed: 2022
Type: workshop
Scope: workshop as recipients of Academy of Urbanism Young Urbanist Small Grant Scheme to create a workshop on who does and does not use local public space through the use of ad-hoc film photography.

Our Safer Leith
Completed: ongoing
Type: research
Scope: the investigation of perception of safety as a mechanism for providing infrastructure to communities within the test-bed of Leith.
Included a Commonplace platform and subsequent our Edinburgh Neighbourhood workshop.

Share A Safe Space
Completed: -
Type: design
Scope: the design of an interactive representation of perception of safety within public place, with a focus on queer people feeling seen within their local environment.
Submitted to the London Festival of Architecture Pride competition.

To Hang
Completed: 2021
Type: design
Scope: adaptable intervention for women and girls to utilise within public parks as a reclamation of that space.
Building Design Re:Design Stratford Shortlister.

Women in Placemaking
Completed: 2021
Type: research
Scope: dissertation as part of Amelia's studies that investigated the extent of women considered within placemaking.
RTPI Scotland dissertation prize.

Re-population of backland space for vulnerable communities
Completed: 2020
Type: design
Scope: research and design project during Kirsty's Masters, surveying the inclusion of necessary community networks within urban frameworks through the understanding of historic fabrics.